jeudi 28 janvier 2010

Let's introduce us: Arthur Comets aka A.One

Arthur a.k.a A.One started to produce music 4 years ago on popular sofwares like Cubase or Reason.First he was producing more Electro tracks than Hip-Hop music but he quicly switches to it and imposes him as Beatmaker! Nevertheless A.One goes on to mainstream his old electro values in his new way. For that, "it was necessary to work on a new supply", and as he said, A.One started to develop a new set-up with a fresh MPC 1000 as brain leader!
When we started Yolka prod, A.One shows him an evidence to be a member of the crew !
Stop talking...listen tha' shit!

You're scared - A.One
Lazy - A.One

Find out more on A.One myspace - Here

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